ZABE Smart Mortgage Podcast

Loan Process Do's and Don't

ZABE Mortgage Group Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode of the ZABE Smart Mortgage Podcast, we talk about our Do's and Don't List that we send to every single claim that comes in, even two to three times, depending on the file, as we want to stress how important it is. 

●      DO - Notify your Mortgage Loan Officer with changes OR possible changes in your employment or income.

●      DO - Notify your Mortgage Loan Officer of any new open credit accounts not appearing on your credit report OR if you plan to open a new credit account.

●      DO – Continue to stay current on all your existing accounts.

●      DO – Respond promptly to requests for additional documentation.

●      DO – Contact your mortgage group with questions or concerns.

●      DON'T - Open any new credit accounts OR close any existing credit accounts.

●      DON'T - Charge or max out your current existing credit card accounts.

●      DON'T - Borrow money to pay for your down payment and/or closing costs.

●      DON'T - Make any cash, personal check(s) or money order deposits into your checking or savings account(s). 

Follow our easy Do's and Don'ts list in the mortgage loan process to prevent delays, improve your chances of moving faster, and overall, help you become Mortgage Smart.